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Ultr said:
HeavenlyWarrior said:

They can't do it, they have to tell the story of the second war, and they need two movies to do that

Oh cool. I don't know that story. Do you know in what timeframe that plays? like in years?

Hmm, as far as I remember, the second war begins right after the first one, it begins when stormwind is destroyed and they have to run away from there, to the kingdom of lordearon, there they form the alliance, and fight the horde back, that would be the second movie...

the characters would be

Uther, The lightbringer

(these two are gonna return in wow legion, I think blizzard wants people to know them before the second movie)

Orgrim doohammer
the demon kil'jaeden

I don't know how they will adapt, the story will go through some modifications of course

The story of the son of durotan will be, like, 18 years after the first war...