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Well Sony owns a lot of recognizable characters, some more than others:

Jak and Daxter
Ratchet and Clank
Sly Cooper
Nathan Drake
Nathan Hale
Gabe Logan

As well as some unnamed characters like
MediEvil guy
ISA soldiers (maybe more of a focus on Sev this time around will help recognizability)
ICO or Wanda, whatever his name was
SOCOM soldiers
HSG characters
Infamous dude

Compare that list with the ones they had when the PS2 came out.

Gabe Logan
MediEvil guy
Crash (sold)
Spryo (sold)

Probably some others I'm forgetting too, what they all have in common though is that none of them are mascots, when I say Halo or Master Chief, you think of the XBox brand, when I say Mario or Zelda, you think of Nintendo, maybe the closest Sony got is Jak and Ratchet, or maybe even Kratos, but it's not quite up there yet.

However Sony is getting itself quite a nice collection of recognizable characters though.