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Jranation said:
Darwinianevolution said:
Hopefully Youkai Watch 3 and Pokemon Sun/Moon (and detective Pikachu if it gets lucky) can improve Nintendo's position in Japan. At least Kirby and Splatoon are as strong as ever. Great month for Playstation, those numbers for Dragon Quest are ridiculous.


I hope you're not missing DQMJ3 and Yokai Watch Sangokushi taking the top 2 spots for 2016 so far. And MH X/Generation is still in the top 10 for this year. 

I didn't but I just don't see those as moving hardware. Really, at this point the 3DS is close to its saturation point, barely any game can move hardware at this point, realistically YW3 and Pokemon S/M are the only ones left to help the 3DS to pass PS2 sales in Japan.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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