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They're definitely up there, and I do like the case you make about their ability to make fantastic games in various genres, rather than continuously making different versions of the same thing.

I'll say I'm personally not a huge fan, as in I don't get particularly hyped for their games pre-release, or rush to buy them instantly, but I do almost always get around to playing them, and tend to always love them more than I expect. So while I wouldn't call them my favorite developer (tbh, I wouldn't have them in my top 3), I wouldn't argue with anyone who wanted to make a case that they are in fact the best, or thereabouts.

I do think that after WoW they've been playing things a bit safe, or perhaps the more appropriate word is calculated. They used to make revolutionary games, and now they make games that can stand at the top end of their respective genres, and they're polished, and meticulously thought out, and supported for ages to keep you engaged, but they don't have that element that blows your mind. That thing, whatever it is, where you stop and say wow....I haven't seen that before. Still, there's something to be said about their ability to execute exceptionally well at everything they do.