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For me it depends on a couple of things. How much of a difference it is. If it's worth the investment, and if it actually takes advantage of the upgrade without alienating the older PS4 users.

From a gamers point of view. Video game consoles used to average at a 4-5 year cycle. A few years ago Sony said they would like to bring that back and it seems that they are being true to their words, to an extent. In this case I think we are over reacting. Sure the economy is not very good these days from a consumer point of view, but for what it's worth. We should be used to this kind of stuff. I think that the last generation prolonged for far too long and it really changed the perspective for some gamers mentally and it really altered the mindset of the younger generation of gamers that were introduced in that generation. Which leads us to....

The developers perspective. Games are much more expensive to produce these days and they require much larger teams than the did in the past. Many developers are going to be suffering because of this. Mainly the mid-ranged game developers. I am aware of at least one game from a developer which I will refrain to mention, that is taking a HUGE hit from this. The game in question has been in development for about 5 years, perhaps coming closer to 6. The game is a huge AAA title that is top of the top notch quality, they simply cannot just "adapt" to the upgrade in technology and they have been growing a little annoyed with the recent PC upgrades. Once being considered a behemoth in the PC community, the constant upgrades is harming long term development. Hiring more staff doesn't simply solve the problem. Here comes another E3 without with very small hopes of a name drop of the game or any concept art. We might hear something but anyone holding on to some gameplay footage or massive reveal. Maybe next year ;)

Long story short. This is good in a nutshell for gamers, but a bane for developers. A dip in development quality = a hit for gamers. If Sony delaying games for the PS4 already isn't bad enough. I'd say this is part of the reason I think Nintendo will do quite well with the NX and may even stabilize game quality and release time tables if they can work with developers and compromise with them a release table. That way Nintendo's first party titles do not hinder the sales of 3rd party releases. In my opinion. This will allow 3rd parties to be successful on a Nintendo platform without Nintendo cannibalising all of the sales. If they can reserve time slots that distance itself within reason, outside of the holiday season with developers. I think they can win back 3rd part support and bring in more gamers that want a balance. A console with strong 1st part support is fantastic for the gamers, but a bit of a pain in the ass for 3rd party developers that would like to see a decent return on releasing their game on their consoles. When a game does poor and doesn't even pay back development costs, there is a problem and it's very hard to make games while remaining financially stable to continue to make games.