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Eh, as someone who is deeply invested into psychology; where a lot of this "fluid" and a billion other terms that exist come from, I don't really believe it's a real thing. Technically speaking everyone would be "gender fluid" and it in itself is a relative term that varies from person to person. For example shopping for a man could be considered female and he may consider himself feminine for that period of time or remainder of the day as a result or vice versa with whatever equivalency that exists -but to another man/woman that task could be considered a gender empowering or just normal thing. Honestly it just feels like a label for the sake of looking for different sexualities/debates about gender. But idk, personally "gender fluid" has too many variables and relativity to be a real thing to me. It may say something about how that person perceives gender stereotypes and probably takes those stereotypes too far, but thats about it