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i started another thread but forgot its already in discussion.

i think the 2 reviews below show me they(ign) have dumbed down the haze review, imo haze is a brillaint game that features great visuals, great sound, and great gameplay i would hover amoungst the 8-8.5 ish mark going off the demo.

gameplay is fast and frantic with good features and a full 4 player co-op, split screen and online multiplayer, plus it runs very very smooth.

whats your opinion ONLY and ONLY to the users who have played the demo?

IGN Ratings for Haze (PS3)
out of 10click here for ratings guide
A bland story with weak characters and simplistic commentaries on serious topics, Haze is a generic tale at best about war.
Tons of visual issues abound within the game, from texture tears and non-descript environments to pop-in and odd animation problems.
Dialogue is hokey and repetitive regardless of what side you're on. Sound effects are good, but that's not enough to make you turn the volume up once you've hit mute.
A creative concept hampered by gimmicks, a weak story and poor AI, Haze is a disappointment from a developer well versed in shooter mechanics.
4.5Lasting Appeal
Two player split-screen and four player co-op helps put a minor spin on the campaign, but it won't extend the replayability of the game much. Nor will multiplayer modes and its useless merit system.

(out of 10 / not an average)

IGN Ratings for The History Channel: Battle For the Pacific (PS3)
out of 10click here for ratings guide
Cutscenes are few in number and are executed with little elegance. Nothing terribly exciting to mention here.
It looks okay, but the framerate suffers.
The music was fairly impressive, but the voice acting is not only substandard but annoyingly repetitious.
Everything technically works, but just barely. It's not fun.
2.5Lasting Appeal
A two hour game. Ouch.
(out of 10 / not an average)

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...