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"We shouldn't encourage them from coming in the first place!" is a grammatically nonsensical sentence.

OT: The biggest problem with all immigration questions is that no matter what solution we choose, from the ones already on the table, the global economical structure will not change. If poor regions of the world had a chance to develop their own infrastructure, political stability and economical base, we could change the outlook by not relying on (essentially) three power centers in the world; Northern-and Western Europe, North-America and Northern-and Eastern Asia. Instead, we colonized and then removed the troops but installed governing bodies, created influx economies made to feed our own and keep their down and constantly insist or "intervening" and proposing western solutions to non-west problems, we create and sign international mandates and decrees that others should adopt and follow our own systems and we build a relation where one party becomes perpetually dependent both physically and mentally through hand-out's and charity. We do the same with the poor in our own countries, only on a smaller scale.

Bottom line; the developing world needs to be allowed to actually develop, without our constant and belittling meddling, we are causing even more strife and disagreement and doing society a huge disservice, from parlament to farmer and industry.