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Pemalite said:
archer9234 said:

It also wasn't free for 4 years. See the thing is. Overwatch does have a internal story. That the creators made up, for each character, map etc. Certain characters have dialogs with each other. Certain maps make characters comment on them. So they do have stuff in place. Yeah, I agree. Overwatch is missing important full stuff. But, the designing phase of the game was a lot more complicated. Then what TF2 did. Being originally an addition to the Orange box. I see the game now, as a pilot episode to a show. Hopefully, once they start adding in more stuff. Will get the visual backstories. But yes. Doing it like this, is not a good idea. Because Street FIghter 5 has messed up their sales. Because of missing things.

Overwatch doesn't have a story, there is no story in the game, there are no animated cutscenes, there are no backstory tidbits or universe lore or conversations that take place between characters.
You need to look for that outside of the game.

ohmylanta1003 said:

As MANY users have pointed out, TF2 WAS NOT FUCKING FREE! HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO SAY THIS?! It has story, but they are working on getting it out there is the form of those movie clips. It doesn't need a dumbass campaign to appease the users on this site, who seem to be the only people that literally can't get past the fact that a game doesn't have campaign. The multiplayer component is better, fresher, and more fleshed out than any of those games you listed. Not only that, but for the majority of people, this game did not cost full retail price. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with the microtransactions in this game. You're ridiculous for complaining about them.

Team Fortress 2 is free right now.

It has been free for half a decade.

The gameplay is not more fleshed out, a couple of game modes and a dozen maps doesn't make a complete game.

The Multiplayer is balanced, I'll give it that, but it's boring. I bought the game on release and I am bored of it already. That itself is a problem.
It was also the same problem I had with Halo 5's bare-bones multiplayer. It was the same problem I had with Titanfall, Evolve... So why should I praise this and criticise those others for the exact same problem?

Apparantly constructive criticism is illegal on this forum.

Microtransactions do not belong in a full priced game that isn't even feature complete. It's a money grab.

As for the game being better than the ther titles I mentioned.. That is highly debatable. And you know what? Blizzard is actually my favorite developer of all time, StarCraft is my favorite franchise of all time and I am absolutely disgusted with Overwatch as it is right now and I WILL voice my opinion whether YOU like it or not.

THANK YOU CAPTAIN OBVIOUS! Do you think I'm fucking stupid or did you not read what I said to you? I fucking know it's free now. It WASN'T free when it came out almost 9 YEARS AGO! That's all that matters in this argument.

They will add more maps, but it's not like they need more. Look at the two most popular games right now. League of Legends and CS: GO. CS: GO has maybe 10 maps (but only 7 are played at a time) and I don't play League, but I'm pretty sure there are hardly any maps in that game either.

The game is not boring, as evidenced by the millions of people playing it right now. Just because you can't find any fun in it (maybe you're just not committed to doing anything but running up the middle of the map and dying) doesn't mean others haven't.

There are ZERO problems with these microtransactions.

You can voice your opinion. Doesn't mean it isn't stupid. Just know that a fuckton of people disagree with you. Just because the users on this site back you doesn't mean shit.

The last question is, what multiplayer games do you like? What is fully fleshed out? Not repetitive? What is good in your eyes? I highly doubt you'll come up with something, because I'm pretty sure you just don't enjoy these types of games. Which is fine. Go ahead. But there's no reason to shit on the game because you don't like a particular genre.


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I bet the Wii U would sell more than 15M LTD by the end of 2015. He bet it would sell less. I lost.