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Hynad said:
1337 Gamer said:

I was going to say this. Uncharted looks damn good for a console game but the areas are TINY. Cutscenes have really small draw distances and the poor anti aliasing and only 900p resolution in many spots absolutely disqualify it from the contention of best looking game ever. And no, art style cannot be taken into consideration. Uncharted aimed for a realism and as such must go against the best looking games on PC. 

Dont get me wrong Uncharted looks great, easily the best looking console game so far but even crysis 3 from 2012 and Star Citizen blow it out of the water. Especially when played at 4k/1440p at Ultra settings. Not really surprising considering the PS4 is a medium low end 2013 gaming rig in most respects.

Uncharted 4 runs in 1080p. It's 900p only in the MP mode. And its AA is quite good, especially during the single player campaign. It gets rid of most aliasing and shimmering. In fact, it's hard to notice any, and in case you won'ty take my word for it (even though I've been playing the game daily since its launch), Digital Foundry attests to that as well. I have doubts you played the game after reading what you said here. 

As for the rest, the usual... Star Citizen is brought up countless times. But at this point, it seems like this is the only game PC centric people have to brag about. It has crisp picture quality, but the rest isn't anything special. And the idea that a game can't be commended for how good it looks because it isn't open world-ish is quite annoying. When I look at the screen, what I see is gorgeous. The effects in place, the animations, foliage, environments and the art that went into crafting all the tiny details are what my eyes see. But you people are all "Yes but... Yes but it's not BIG scale", "game doesn't run at a resolution my eyes can't even distinguish!" (unless you're the kind of player who sits 8 inches away from the screen. ¬_¬), "this effect can be done better on that PC game", and bla bla bla, etc...

You go and look at a intricate piece of art at a museum, and go all naysayer because it's not as big as the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.  As if only that kind of art can be appreciated, and everything else is obligatorily inferior. -___-

Yes, PCs can do better than what's found in Uncharted 4. But, suffice to say, I haven't seen a single game out there that does as many of the stuff Uncharted 4 does, in the stellar way it does them all at once. PCs are way more capable, yet no developers have brought a game like Uncharted 4 to the table yet. Star Citizen has pristine picture quality, but animations are quite last gen. Scale is great, it's in space after all, but there's next to no organic environments. Everything is technological landscape, gray/blue-ish, sterile and lifeless.

I of myself have not played Uncharted 4. However my Brother has it and ive seen him play enough to know what im talking about. Dont get me wrong it looks damn good for a console and seems like a fun game (if that style of games happens to be your cup of tea). But we are not arguing the merits of Fun here. We're arguing the state of the graphics and No the AA in uncharted 4 (while  implemented well for the resources they have to work with) is still poor with regards to PC games where you can crank it up to 16x or in games where its suported TXAA. I wrote what i wrote when i was tired and i feel like i got my point across. More than anything the generally small level design (except for a few levels and even in those larger maps my point still stands) hides alot of the low res assets and textures that the game has going on behind it. When you look at most the the cutscenes or even in game you can see that almost ANYTHING not in the immediate forground looks quite blurry and with no texture. When you are arguing for the best graphics of all time that cannot be overlooked. Anyways ive made my point. Crysis 3 in ultra settings and at 4K looks far more detailed and inticate than Uncharted 4 if the Star Citizen comparison doesnt do it for you. The one place I will defer to Uncharted 4 is the facial animations. They look VERY VERY good.


At the end of the day Uncharted 4 really does look good when you factor in it is running of an absolute shit CPU and a low end graphics card. I tip my hat to naughty dog and wish other developers would push PCs to the same exten they push the Consoles. But i understand the reality of the situation that most people cant afford to spend $1500+ on a top of the line gaming rig. But to say Uncharted has the best graphics and is technically superior to 99% of PC games is really quite uninformed. 

I mostly play RTS and Moba style games now adays as well as ALOT of benchmarking. I do play other games however such as the witcher 3 and Crysis 3, and recently Ashes of the Singularity. I love gaming on the cutting edge and refuse to accept any compromises. Proud member of the Glorious PC Gaming Master Race. Long Live SHIO!!!!