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Definitly another low ball figure from Sony. PS4 is going to enter unseen territoy for consoles this year, and it will only get bigger in the years to come.

PlayStation Vue is going to continue to expand this year, adding many new channels and networks, while also expanding to other devices. That will be a huge push for PS4 in the US, as people quickly shift from cable to IPTV.

Then you have PlayStation VR, and this thing is going to be Wii on steroids. People are already being extreamly impressed with simple things like Gear VR and Google Cardboard. PSVR will bring a whole new experience like the masses have never seen, and at a price point they can afford.
Additionally, VR is going far beyond gaming. Sony has already stated they are taking the gloves off with PSVR, and they are opening up the market place to something much more similar to the App Store and Google Play. They want to be the defacto home for VR, and they are not putting up any road blocks in the path to getting there.

On the game front, they already dropped Uncharted 4. They also have the biggest 1st party franchise in PlayStation coming in the form of GT Sport. These are the big guns for them, but they also have a great lineup from 3rd parties as well. FFXV, Battlefield 1, COD+COD:Remastered, and No Man's Sky just to name a few. Then we have to take into account the PSVR titles, which will sell greaat, and even potentially better than any of the games listed above when it's all said and done.

Finally, we have the not yet confirmed, but all but confirmed, PlayStation Neo. Love it or hate it, PSNeo is going to move as many units as they can produce if it is real. If they can push 6 million PS Neo's to the market this holiday, and they continue to produce the OG PS4, we could see in excess of 10M consoles shipped in Q3 alone (October - December in Sony's reports).

I've been saying this from day one, and I will say it again. PS4 will reach a userbase far beyond any console we have seen in the past. This is going to be the device that puts Sony into the same space as Google, Apple, and Microsoft. There will be 500M active PlayStation users in the near future. PlayStation has become Sony's ecosystem, and it will expand beyond the Home console in the next few year's. Like the old saying goes, "You ain't seen nothing yet".

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams