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champybh said:

For me, any comparison between Hillary and Trump is wholly unfair.

Trump's rise in the political scene was when he lead the obscene and ridiculous Birther movement against President Obama. He was rightfully mocked and laughed off of the national political stage only to return in June '15 to announce that he will be running for the Presidency. An announcement that was less conservative/republican and more nationalistic/populist. One in which he proposed some of the more insane ideas in modern political history... to build a wall separating us from Mexico. In the months following his rhetoric endangers us all. He has proposed bans of entire populations of people, he's proposed full on trade wars without fully understanding the economic fallout. All of his ideas are extremist and dangerous.

Hillary is a decisive political figure but at least one that has a breadth of knowledge and real geopolitical and economic experience. I'm fine with people disagreeing with her but at least she will not burn his country and all our relationships with the world down to the ground. Trump isn't a "f*** you to the establishment", he represents a real dangerous threat to the entire world. And yes, is completely unqualified to be president. It's a national embarrassment that he made it this far.

Everything he says can't happen, and he knows it. The difference between him and Hillary is he doesn't have a filter between his brain and his mouth, for better or worse. At the very least, people know whatever he's thinking at that moment.

Hillary is on the opposite end of the danger spectrum as a known habitual liar. The people will never know what she intends to do until it has already happened, giving no chance of retaliation.

Hillary is a joke figure, just as much as Trump. Many people just refuse to see it because the media tells them to hate Trump and conveniently makes no mention of Hillary (except Fox, but they're liars, too; pot calling the kettle black right there).

The real tragedy is that Bernie will probably not make it into the Democratic ticket at this point, all thanks to a Socialist witch hunt led by people who don't even know what the word means.

The real national embarrassment is that we've come down to choosing between a sack of shit and a lying sack of shit.

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