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topolino227 said:
TheBlackNaruto said:
The bundle argument has always bothered for instance that year around Holidays when they were doing the Infamous and something else bundle for PS3 I was getting my nephew a PS3 for Christmas BUT I was also giving him those games of mine all I could find was that bundle for a little while so guess what I did...I DIDN"T GET THE are not FORCED to buy a bundle. You get it IF YOU WANT why people feel as if a bundle somehow takes away from the sales of a game is beyond me...most bundles that are bought are bought because someone wanted that game. There have been numerous PS4 bundles and I did not have one but guess what I didn't get any of them I got the one I wanted with the game I wanted the LE UC4 bundle. I just wish we would let the bundle crap die because it helps nothing and proves nothing...imo that is anyway...Sorry for the off topic rant....congrats again to ND

Thanks for saying that ! i agree 100%, it seems like People like to bash on Games and downtalk everything. When a Game is bundled, they always say"Oh the Game only sells that much because its bundled and the cheapest!" Completely BS in my opinion.

It was just something that always bothered me. I know people have different views but the bundle stuff has always bothered me.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23