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Aver said:
Luke888 said:
I hope the Splatoon team is already far in development of Splatoon 2 for NX while someone else like Tanalus works on porting Splatoon. I hope either part of Retro Studios or Monolith Soft has already started development on a Metroid Prime game while Next Level Games works on a 2.5D Metroid game or Luigi's Mansion 3. Someone at STD is certainly already working on the next 3D Mario and Mario Kart 9. While we heard rumors about Intelligent Systems working on Paper Mario: Colour Splash we still need to get confirmation on that, I'd hope they'd be working since last year on a New Fire Emblem game or a Golden Sun sequel. what really interests me the most is what the Pikmin team is working on, if we consider what Miyamoto stated in early 2015 about Pikmin 4 I would expect the development to be done by the end of Summer 2015, I wonder what they could have done from then to now, I'd really like if they tried to work on a minor new IP ala Splatoon, in the end they'd be almost 2 years in when NX launches if they started by the end of summer 2015...

why do you wanna see a splatoon port and splatoon 2 that early.


You can already play splatoon on the wii u and its still getting updates. They should work on something new and make a new splatoon game in 3-4 years at earliest. The game will not feel that fresh anymore if they make to many successor to recently.

Just play splatoon on your wii u and hope for new games/concepts on the nx.

Because more powerfull hardware makes it possible to polish even further Splatoon which as of now is 720p, besides the fact that I'm shure Nintendo wants people who missed on the first entry due to not owning Wii U to purchase it on the new console, it'd be also a pretext to keep the Splatoon servers going on for a few more years so that the people who purchased Wii U that don't feel comfortable buying NX at launch can freely keep playing the first entry on Wii U. Talking about Spla2n I don't see it releasing earlier than holliday 2017 which would make it 2 years and a half after the first one, imho it's better to consolidate a fanbase for the first 2 entries, then for the third one they can freely wait 4/5 years, it's just a matter of having an online game early in the lifecycle of your console...