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Wyrdness said:
Runa216 said:

Because one was done well, with good writing, likeable characters you could enjoy watching, and had some heart and soul behind it. 

The other was dour, stupid, poorly made, and done with more style than substance. 

Batman b Superman had some great themes and ideas in it, all poorly handled throughout without any true depth of character, poor writing, and....I just need to stop.  The box office receipts combined with reviews and ticket sale patterns show people HATED Batman v Superman but quite loved Civil War.  Neither were flawless, but it's clear from virtually every metric which one was the better film and why. 

The problems are practically identical in both films, both films are more style then substance, having seen both I can say fully that double standards is in full swing when it comes to both films, neither film is better or worse than the other it just comes down to whether someone prefers the darker tone of BVS or not.

This isn't true at all. The dilemma between both sides is very understandable and believeable in civil war. In bvs it's poorly written and makes batman and superman look like children. Seriously at one point batman is chasing down criminals and superman stops him just to have a talk and doesn't even help stop the bad guys made no sense at all. Batman vs superman also had two major story lines going in that movie and tried to cram them into one movie jus because. Civil war didn't try to do that and focused on one story line. I actually prefer the dark tone of the DC universe but his movie was just not well done. People like you keep coming out and trying to defend it there is a reason your in the minority. There is no double standard. Next time DC should focus on one story Line at a time and make them believable. Like superman should have bee introduced to red kryptonite and gone rogue that would have made bvs believable but it would have take more time introducing it and it would have taken away from the doomsday story they wanted to cram into the end of the movie. Something that should have been its own movie. You don't cram the death of superman into a batman vs superman movie.