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I don't get the logic here. Japan commited warcrimes against civilians in Manchuria, the Phillippines etc. so that makes it okay for the US to commit warcrimes against civilians in Japan? I don't get how the Japanese governments own actions has *anything* to do with this, because it's not the fucking Japanese government asking for an apology. It's the civilian victims of the American government's actions. I strongly doubt they were responsible for the warcrimes Japanese troops commited in the Pacific theater, so why the hell do people
bring them up? What the fuck does the actions of a nation's government have to do with what some civilians from that nation are asking for?

And obviously people aren't saying that Obama should apologize on his personal behalf. If he apologizes, it would be on the behalf of the American government, which, while it does not at all consist of the same people now as it did them, can be seen as an entity, and that entity is responsible for those actions. So it's not like they are saying that the people currently sitting in the American government have inherited the blame, but rather that the entity of the American government itself has responsibility for those actions, and Obama merely represents that entity.

I'm not even saying if he should apologize or not, but the reasons he shouldn't that many are using in
this thread are stupid.