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Disappointed to hear that they still haven't fixed the sound. They've had a looooong time to get it right now, with four full iterations in the main series stretching over around 12-13 years to get it right.
I know Yamauchi has said that they want it "real" instead of artificially enhanced in any way, but I happen to know for a fact that V8 muscle cars don't sound like muffled 4 cylinder engines or that screaming V6 engines with massive turbo's sound a lawnmower trimming a football pitch.
The engine sounds in the GT series are by far its biggest weakness, and it's kind of a big deal in a racing sim.

As for gameplay and features, I don't really play online so I don't care about that, I'm just hoping they have more customization and parts (especially performance parts), since they removed large chunks of this in GT 5 and 6 (you couldn't even adjust individual gear ratios in GT 5 before a patch arrived).
Overall, it seems like the series is not making the same progress as the hardware it releases on over the years, as if the projects become too ambitious and ultimately end up under-delivering in the end.
At least for me, I was disappointed with both GT games on the PS3, especially the visual side and the sound design, removing customization and tuning options was also a really bad idea and the driving physics have a long way to go to be like real life, for now.