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barneystinson69 said:
Shadow1980 said:

He's qualified only in the Constitutional sense, i.e., he's at least 35 years old, is a natural-born citizen of the United States, and has been a U.S. resident for at least 14 years. Other than that, he's no more qualified to be President than I am. Being a businessman doesn't necessarily make one a good politician. The skills don't necessarily translate, plus governments are not the same kind of institution as businesses are. Governments are non-profit, and in a democratic federal republic like the U.S., the power structure is much different from the nigh-totalitarian structure of the typical corporation, where power is completely top-down. The President can't just go around saying "You're fired!" to everyone, except maybe his own cabinet. Trump possesses exactly zero experience in any government office, not Congress, not a state legislature, not a city council, not as a governor or mayor. He has no formal education in law. He never served in the military. He isn't even that great of a businessman. His greatest accomplishment is probably being a WWE Hall of Fame inductee.

We've had a couple of other businessmen as President before, namely the Bushes, who made their millions in the oil industry. But unlike Trump they had prior experience in politics. Bush, Sr. was at various times a congressman, CIA director, ambassador to the UN, RNC chairman, and Vice President, and Dubya was governor of Texas. Even with those qualifications, the Bushes weren't exactly paragons of fiscal responsibility when they were President. Aside from them, "businessman" was never really a profession of men who became President. The majority of past presidents were lawyers, and they usually had some kind of military experience and/or experience in other major government offices. In other words, they had at least some working knowledge, either through education or experience, of at least some of the things you'd expect a President to know. By that standard, Trump is a "know-nothing" in more than one sense.

This. He has no experience at all with politics, so why should he be elected to office?

Because people vote for him :p

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar