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Spoilers below.

Easily the most boring and predictable season thus far. Ramsay is an awful generic villain, Daenerys once again prevails without breaking a sweat, House Martell is exterminated in a heartbeat while no one seems to care, Littlefinger gathers the Knights of the Vale in the most ridiculous fashion and the King's Landing plot-line has not been interesting in the least. There is too much build-up and too few interesting characters and sub-plots to keep you interested, which all comes down to poor writing and budget constraints.

A fundamental error in the storytelling that's been more prevalent the more the story is detached from the books is that we are getting apparent teams of good guys and bad guys while grey people are few and far between. A clear sign that the showrunners care more about ratings and reactions on social media than telling a compelling story.

I wouldn't say that the series is irredeemable at this point, but it is most definitely tainted as of these last two seasons.