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Seems some people on the comments section are not happy (angry people on the internet :o) that James has decided not to review the movie.

While some people are personally excited for this movie and others are not (whether it's because they don't want a female Ghostbusters cast or because they just don't think it looks good to them) it seems that James actually got his points across while being very calm and reserved. None of his points had to do with the female cast, and in his opinion, for him personally he would have been fine with a new cast (male or female) if the originals had resprised their roles one last time while handing down the torch.

And I'm not trying to say just one group here are being dumb (both sides are making idiotic comments I'm sure of it :D ), but if someone can have an opinion like this while being calm and reasonable and still get shit on there's not much hope left.

Even Patton Oswalt decided to shit on James for it:


Pics below:


