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So the popular Japanese series, Yo-Kai Watch will be having its sequel hit North America on Sep. 30th. It will have both versions and has significant improvements to the original including many new Yo-Kai.

Will you be getting the game?

Personally I'm super excited for it XD it's a nice series and I really enjoyed the original. Only thing I disliked was the battle system's super moves being reliant on the touch screen (I detest touch screen anything). Other than that I really loved this game.

Some people compare it to Pokemon but it really is its own thing with the only difference being you capture monsters -something the Shin Megami Tensei series pioneered way before Pokemon was even conceptualized x.x I'd compare it more to a traditional RPG with an episodic asethetic. 

I hear Europe only just got the original Yo-Kai Watch a few weeks ago
