Normchacho said:
I don't understand your reasoning though. I assume the point your getting at is Uncharted 4 should be scored lower because you don't find Uncharted 4 to be particularly special or innovative in the gameplay department. But that isn't really the focus of the game. Lets take two games. One, is a game that has an amazing story, but only average gameplay. The other, is a game with amazing gameplay, but only an average story. Some could say that either of those games is a 10, or is their favorite game of all time and they would both be totally valid. Because even though one aspect of the game isn't worldbeating, it's still good enough as to not get in the way of the real draw of the game. Nobody knocks points off of OOT from having an average story, why would they knock points off of UN4 for just having average gameplay? |
Well I guess I just cant accept average gameplay. If Im gonna give a game a 10, then it better be a joy to play. I guess graphics, story, music etc means more to some people. I will ALWAYS put gameplay over anything else.