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maxleresistant said:
I always thought that Nintendo only needs to be in the same ballpark as the two others. So third parties could easily port their games on it. And I thought it was enough, but it was before the ps4k and xbox one.5

I also always thought Nintendo would never have the most powerful console. It will NEVER happen.

But anyway, hard to know if Nintendo made the right move, but to me the most important things are:
-strong first party support
-good third party support
-at least a xbox one equivalent in term a power
-a low price point

I wouldn't count on the third party support.

Developers are not going to jump through hoops to support the weakest hardare that has the lowest userbase. That will lead the predictable cycle of

A) Some half assed ports at launch, with several key third parties sitting on the sidelines in "wait and see" mode.

B) Said half assed ports get panned in reviews, sales are low

C) Third party then says "oh well NX software doesn't sell, sayonara".

Rinse. Wash. Repeat.

At least it'll have Monster Hunter I guess (provided Nintendo doesn't screw up whatever agreement they have with Capcom).

Low price point I also neccessarily would not bank on, if this thing has like a propietary free form LCD controller, you're probably looking at $299.99, which I wouldn't say is expensive, but I wouldn't call that cheap either.