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spemanig said:
Soundwave said:

Fundamental flaw in your thinking is assuming anyone gives a shit about a video game console OS.

An OS for a smartphone is important because it's a device that has to be able to send business documents, check email, give me Facebook updates, take photos, catalog those photos, take video, it needs to be able to give me driving directions to my rec league basketball or hockey game, it needs to remind me that I have a business meeting at 3 PM on Friday, it needs to be able to play music so I can listen to the Rocky soundtrack at the gym, etc. etc. etc.

No one wants to do any of this shit with a game console. I don't want to send/edit business documents on my game console. I don't want/need to check my Facebook on my game console. I don't need driving directions from my game console.

All a game system needs to do is play fucking games, have a compenet online network for GAMING, and play movies. That's it. That's all.

Trying to have game consoles do more than this has been tried multiple times and no gives a shit (ask Microsoft).

You're coalting two devices that are nothing alike because one is successful (by trying to associate the NX with the Apple iPhone ... the NX is never going to be the iPhone). It's like a unpopular kid trying to squeeze in next to the cool girl in the school photo assuming some of that will rub off on them.

Right, just like no one gave a shit about phone OS before Apple made people give a shit about phone OS.

"All a game system needs to do is play fucking games." You are grossly oversimplifying things, especially on a platform where you don't just play games but you buy games and select games and organize games. Again, you're severely out of touch with modernity. This is not having consoles do more. It's having consoles do what they should be doing, but better.

I'm comparing to platforms that are nearly identical in position because Nintendo has said and explained in great detail just how their situations will be nearly identical. You think in hindsight. I think in foresight. I'm explaining this stuff in the most layman of terms. You not being able to follow is your own failing. And understandable failing as it's something that has never been attempted before in the home console space, but a failing none the less. A firmware revolution may sound boring to you, but you know, that doesn't really matter. It's what will light the world on fire come March.

I still don't think people want to do anything with a game OS. "Because iPhone" is not a reason.

At least wait until the actual OS for this thing is unveiled, you're derailing every NX thread with some imaginary wonder OS that you've invented inside your head. This isn't even relevant to this topic. This topic is about the NX CHIPSET.

The Apple stuff is just stupid anyway, every freaking industry has some blow hard saying "we're the Apple of XYZ". There is no Apple of anything else. Apple is Apple, they are a one in a million company that is basically a part luxury electronics and part fashion brand basically and even they are largely just cruising off things that Steve Jobs pushed for that are now 7-10 years old. But they can get away with it because they are a "sexy/cool" brand.