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No metroid, Zelda being pushed back, the NX not ready for 2016, no new WiiU games for 2016, that string of shitty games with AC amiibo, Devil's third, Mario Ultra Smash and now Starfox... That choice to make again another kirby and snub Metroid, that choice to make a Metroid game that isn't one, those amiibos everywhere, the hugely overpriced DLC for Smash Bros, Smash Bros solo being way too hard, the price of games not going down, the price of the consoles not going down, those HD remasters at full price that should be sold for half that price, the complete lack of partnership with occidental studios. Those first years of the WiiU with WiiHD games, and that lack of diversity with too many platform games, that Mario 3D who isn't a true sequel to the Mario 3D tradition. Splatoon multiplayer still lacking features we asked a year ago, splatoon's japanese servers

Should I continue? I'm mad. There is so much to change and so much to do better. I hope they up their game with the NX, this has been a really weak 10 years. We need more diversity, more innovation, more ambition.

I don't own a 3DS because I don't have much interest for it, besides Mario Kart, Mario 3D, Zelda ALBW, and Luigi's mansion, there is not much games that interest me. (I'm not a JRPG or Tactics RPG or pokemon fan)