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Considering how good was the director's previous movie, Chronicle, I'm not sure this can be saved in any way or form. Especially when the words come from the producer, not the actual director.

In my opinion, The Fantastic Four aren't simply likeable enough to have a decent movie on their own. They're probably among Marvel's most boring superheroes, and it's reflected upon their comics, movies and merchandising, which simply pales in comparison to other different heroes. This being said, Fantastic Four was terrible not because of the cast or the fact that there's a black person or that the white one is the adopted sister, no; the movie's greatest problem was its terrible pace, lack of respect for the source material (like The Thing killing people, wtf?) and that it tooks ages to create the set-up for a simple fight and it ends before it can even begin.

I'd certainly hope that not another movie in the same vein is created.