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I'm at chapter 14 for now, i'll give my full opinion later but for now, it really brings AAA games to a whole new level, it goes beyond TLOU/U2 in term of ambition and realisation,  and the gameplay feels so much more organic and fun than any other Uncharted ( never had fun in climbing and stuff in uncharted games, it was just automatic useless steps, but now it's a real part of the exploration, a lot more control on it and with the sliding + the rope it feels so natural and not as guided and scripted as before, a lot of gameplay moments in this U4 would have been cinematics in the trilogy ( i think about this moment in chapter 8-9 when you jump, slide and then jump and use your rope before your fall in the sea and you have a full control of all the situation, this move felt so good )), it makes them look like outdated.


Also, for once, treasures are often rewarding with a lot of beautiful bonus zones to discover ( thoguh i missed the most beautiful in chapter 12)

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m