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Veknoid_Outcast said:
Aerys said:

But to be fair to ND fans, thats à normal behavior for a fan when hé/she hears a majority of great opinions about the game they wait to be super hyped about it based on thé opinions they read and thé gameplay vidéos they see.
I can bet Gears/Zelda fans will do the same when well get réal long gameplay and then opinions on thé game, if its childish, it's common for most gamers to be that childish then

( and for me im more à fan of TLOU than à fan of ND, even if i loved crash Bandicoot )

Well, yes, it's quite common for gamers to be that childish :P

And, in all honestly, I don't care that fans are excited or hyped. I'm glad they are! It's the premature coronation that rubs me the wrong way. 

There's a difference between "X game looks great! The developer has a solid track record and this could be its best!" and "GOTY! GOAT! My copy arrives tomorrow."

Yeah thé last one is annoying and often becomes flood on some forums, thats why i always avoid official games forums

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