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Wright said:
bevochan said:

No, he predicted a Halo 5 win.



He might have some memory problems, but he definitively predicted Uncharted 4 outselling Halo 5. He even made a thread about it, and it was earlier than the one you posted. (This thread was in January 2014, BraLoD was in June)

NobleTeam360's quote in that thread:

I know what am I thinking? I think by time Uncharted 4 comes out PS4 will have a much bigger install base than Xbox One. I think that much alone can give Uncharted 4 a shot at selling more than Halo 5. I also think Halo is going to start feeling series fatigue with the release of Halo 5. Regardless both will sell very well.


It's not "unthinkable". As I said, even a huge Xbox fan as Noble predicted Uncharted 4 beating Halo 5 in sales, even if he later made a contradictory prediction about it.

I have to keep my Xbot mentality.