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d21lewis said:
Two things:
1. where was Nick Fury and S.H.I.E
L.D. during all of this?

2. How in the hell did Zemo know everything about everything? I need to watch this one, again.

*bonus* Ant Man changes size but stays the same weight and density. Wouldn't he be 200 pounds?

1.  There really hasn't been much of a shield to speak of since Winter Soldier.  They showed up in Ultron, but it's a much smaller operation.  I don't watch Agents of Shield, but I'm not sure how much they would be able to or want to get involved in this.

2.  Natasha leaked Hydra's files as a way of giving the information to the public, so they'd know about the corruption involved.  Most of it was encrypted, but Zemo was able to access a lot of it.

3.  I'm really not sure if you're right about ant man's weight and density.  He regularly rode ants in the movie, so he couldn't have been the weight of a normal man.

We don't actually know if his giant ability functions the same way as his shrinking.  We'll probably get a pseudo science explanation in the next ant man movie.