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Skull Kid

Very fast, small and easy to hit out.

B down - Gather those guys from TP after you (in sacred woods)

B side - Attack with the guys

B up - Take Majora's mask in the hand and fly upwards at a fairly low pace for a few seconds.

B - Takes on Majora's mask and damage within a small area around him.

Final Smash: Wears Majora's mask, and turns everyone else into Dekus, which can't attack, for some time.


B - Charge the gauntlet and fire. You have to charge for minimum a second. The gauntlet doesn't come back

B up - Throw gauntlet 80 degrees upward in the way you are turning. If it hits a ledge, you are drawn up after it. The gauntlet is destroyed if it hits another player or the ledge (after you've drawn yourself up)

B side - Quick throw gauntlet to the side.

B down, take on 2 new gauntlets.

Final smash: Heaps of those small thingies he saves (forgot the name) flies down and damages the opponents, making them earn damage and have trouble attacking, making Rayman easily attack them.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS