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d21lewis said:
I read Civil War. Not just the 7 issues of the main story. The whole 100+ issue event and many of the events (ie: Wolverine: Enemy of the State) leading up to it. A lot of what happened, I saw a mile away. I knew they wouldn't have the guts to kill someone at the airport or make Stark a total bad guy but, for what it was, I really enjoyed it. My wife, on the other hand, thought it was a confusing mess but she has only seen a few MCU films.

I greatly enjoyed BvS, too. In a lot of ways, they were the same movie. Whatg I hate is that a lot of things that film was bashed for happen in this one, too! My nitpicks...

-Cap says: I heard the name "Bucky" and suddenly, I'm a helpless 16 year old kid, again.
-Cap can hold down a helicopter? He just jumped up and grabbed it and pulled it back down to earth! WTF!?!
-Black Widow is in a SEALED armored vehicle with two other guys and a bomb. The explosion BLOWS THE DOORS OFF and she comes out unharmed!
-Aunt May is waaaay sexier than I'm comfortable with.
-People hated that Lex Luthor knew who the heroes were in BvS but I bet they're totally okay with Tony Stark knowing who Spider-Man is based on found footage.
-Black Panther was every goddam where. Even flying a jet following Iron Man without him knowing.
-Bucky's human arm was stronger than Iron Man's armor arm!!
-The black guys ended up in jail and shot. RACISTS!
-Somebody said a variation of "He won't stop" or "I won't stop" like 300 times!
-Zemo was nothing like he was in the comics. If you're okay with his changes, you have to be okay with BvS changes. If not, you're a hypocrite!

There was once scene that was pretty much the cover of Civil War #7. I get hard just thinking about it!
Okay. Carry on.

There's a really massive problem with BvS. That the final "confrontation" is between two characters that were barely developed, and also the resolution was the most ridiculous resolution ever (Marthaaa!). I get that the topic of the movies is... a bit similar. But the flow and pace of the film, the story-telling, the way, way more emotional confrontation in the end (fuck, that was intense), and a villain who has actually motivations (Luthor's motivations came out of nowhere, tbh) makes Civil War a way better film. BvS is not as bad as people said it is imo. It's just too rushed. It feels like it lacks some scenes, and actually it lacks some scenes. It's not very coherent XD. 

About Tony Stark knowing about Spider-man, yeah, it's an actual plot hole. I don't mind about it tbh, also, I didn't mind about Lex Luthor knowing about the heroes. And you have to love sexy Aunt May :P. I didn't expect that XD.