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I read Civil War. Not just the 7 issues of the main story. The whole 100+ issue event and many of the events (ie: Wolverine: Enemy of the State) leading up to it. A lot of what happened, I saw a mile away. I knew they wouldn't have the guts to kill someone at the airport or make Stark a total bad guy but, for what it was, I really enjoyed it. My wife, on the other hand, thought it was a confusing mess but she has only seen a few MCU films.

I greatly enjoyed BvS, too. In a lot of ways, they were the same movie. Whatg I hate is that a lot of things that film was bashed for happen in this one, too! My nitpicks...

-Cap says: I heard the name "Bucky" and suddenly, I'm a helpless 16 year old kid, again.
-Cap can hold down a helicopter? He just jumped up and grabbed it and pulled it back down to earth! WTF!?!
-Black Widow is in a SEALED armored vehicle with two other guys and a bomb. The explosion BLOWS THE DOORS OFF and she comes out unharmed!
-Aunt May is waaaay sexier than I'm comfortable with.
-People hated that Lex Luthor knew who the heroes were in BvS but I bet they're totally okay with Tony Stark knowing who Spider-Man is based on found footage.
-Black Panther was every goddam where. Even flying a jet following Iron Man without him knowing.
-Bucky's human arm was stronger than Iron Man's armor arm!!
-The black guys ended up in jail and shot. RACISTS!
-Somebody said a variation of "He won't stop" or "I won't stop" like 300 times!
-Zemo was nothing like he was in the comics. If you're okay with his changes, you have to be okay with BvS changes. If not, you're a hypocrite!

There was once scene that was pretty much the cover of Civil War #7. I get hard just thinking about it!
Okay. Carry on.