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hoala said:
potato_hamster said:

I never said the exact game could be made on the PS2, but you could get a game with the last of us-like gameplay on the PS2. I specifically mentioned gameplay, not realism like facial expressions.

TLOU, a extremly story driven game with its main aspects is the relation between 2 persons couldnt be done on ps2 without all the emotions and co. THAT was part of the gameplay.

potato_hamster said:

Current PowerPC chips require fences? What are you talking about? The only fences I've heard of when discussing processors are memory fences and those aren't physical things, those are processor instructions. I can't find anything about physical processor fences, much less any that make processor design require more power. So are you using some slang term I've never heard before?  Please cite specifically what you're talking about. Wikipedia is fine. 

I dont need a proove or source because you have no technical knowledge.

PowerPC is in many aspects very similar to x86 in terms of heat production. Intel needed years to get to their current Intel Core M´s. That was a big hassle and the chipset was delayed multiple times with alot problems in production and development.

PowerPC chips arnt mass market anymore scince apple switched to x86 back in 2006. x86 and arm chips both evolved over the past years, PowerPC wasnt touched much in terms of consumer based products. Catching up with PowerPC to modern x86/arm cpu just for one single console isnt profitable. The x86 evolving was possible because there is a big market for those chips , so there is money coming from multiple sources.

There is no fenceless PowerPC yet on the market and the technology powerpc general is outdated. To revive it and bring it to modern standarts to at least create something like and intel core m is ridiculous, especially if you can just use cheap and already developed arm chips.

potato_hamster said:

Why does it matter if ARM processors weren't as capable in 2012?. Your argument continues to be that processing power is more or less irrelevant, so why weren't 2012 ARM processors good enough?

Why dont you just read the OP? Its explained there...

Because in 2012 the difference between a nintendo home console using a ARM chip and sony/microsofts consoles would be like tis:

And in 2017 the difference will just be this:

I have a Computer Engineering degree, and I make console video games for a living. Try me on the technical knowledge side.

So your argument when it all boils down to it is.... They haven't made a Power PC procecessor that, ( what I assume is -  because apparently I'm not worthy of questioning your terminology - doesn't require a heat sink) they can't make one. This means that your entire argument is complete horsecrap. While it would undoubtedly have been a more expensive endeavour to contract a CPU manufacturer to develop a completely new CPU to meet Nintendo's specs rather than get that manufacturer to modify an existing product in development, it absolutely could have been done.

And then you use an example where the difference in 2017 is noticably larger than the differences in 2012. The fact of the matter is, that stage in Mario Kart 8 isn't actually that different besides the fact that they changed the color palate to a more realistic one.

Is this a joke?