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This has really been bugging me recently and it has me a bit worried about NX and third parties. Many games on the Wii U were bad ports and were either missing features or were not even on Par with the Xbox 360 and ps3 versions. Some fo these third party games even launched a lot later on the Wii U than on other consoles. These games sold horrible and it was deserved because they were bad ports or late ports. Now the thing is that there are also Wii U third party games that are really good and are on par with the other versions. Call of Duty bo2 only sold around 250k and it was on par with the other versions but because of the bad sales it only got one DLC map. Assassins Creed Black Flag was on par with the other 360 and ps3 versions but it sold around 300k. Fifa 13 an on par port sold 450k. Even third party exclusive games didn't do that well and they barely scratched the million mark. ZombiU was barely able to reach one million. Lego city Undercover is just a little bit over a million,and Bayonetta 2 hasn't even sold a million units yet.

I'm worried because the Wii u did get lots of bad and late ports but the solid third party games that it did get didn't even sell that way, and I see this happening on NX if Nintendo fans don't support it.

I'm just wondering if NX gets third party supports and the games are good ports will you guys be supporting these?