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We have "NX is doomed" threads, so I think i can post my opinion too...

Yeah, I think it's going to be more relevant? why? cause Sony is going to reveal the hardware at E3, Everybody is going to be hyped but then Nintendo Is going to do an event for the NX and will destroy the hype of the ps4 neo? why? cause the ps4 neo is going to be the same thing but a bit better, still oudated engineering, while the NX is going to be the new way of thinking from Nintendo... With a zelda game that looks like a revelation.... plus the hundreds of things that we don't know about the console.

"I can assure you we’re not building the next version of Wii or Wii U. It’s something unique and different. It’s something where we have to move away from those platforms in order to make it something that will appeal to our consumer base,” 

that's a bold statement right there, and we should pay attention... bye bye wii u. was a nice ride but you're nothing now, NX is the new Nintendo.