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Soundwave said:
Aeolus451 said:
There's gonna be a lot of crow avatars around here. i knew it. Nintendo is more likely to stick to tradition/their launch pattern than to stray from it. 2016 was too early.

This isn't any pre-existing pattern at all. 

Wii U is being dumped after 4 years (really not even as it seems like they have jack all for it this fall) effectively. 

NX coming 3 months later than some expected is not a huge difference in the grand scheme of things, the people who predicted this stuff like Zelda would be on the NX, Nintendo is ditching the Wii U, NX is coming fall 2016 ... were still largely correct, just off by a few months. 

The "hope" for the "2017" crowd was that a 2017 NX launch meant a full extra year of real support from Nintendo -- that clearly is not the case and no exclusive Zelda for Wii U now either, so that ship has sailed too. 

Most of this site assumed it was gonna release in 2016 based on all that evidence.  

Nintendo has been following a launch pattern with it's home consoles.