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The fact of the matter is most immigrants actually do ... integrate quite well. America is built off immigrants.

People are by their nature xenophobic, even 60-70 years ago you think it was all lilies and perfect? Italians and Irish were being discriminated against, if you weren't Catholic, you couldn't date a Catholic girl and if you were black you were pretty much treated like an animal or in many cases worse.

But society will have to go through this phase, we are *one* race and we have only one planet, and we will have to learn to live together.

We live in a modern world where people are connected to each more than ever.

Is Islamic extremism, terrorism an issue? Yes, of course. But on the flipside of that, why should a Chinese or Indian or Persian or Japanese immigrant apologize for that? The vast majority of immigrants don't have anything to do with any of that.

Also where is this notion that racism was a thing like "hundreds of years ago", lol coming from? The 1960s/70s was not "hundreds of years ago".