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Areym said:
Lawlight said:

He's not independent if he was invited to one of the premieres. Winter Soldier was a big let down for me - very slow with too few action sequences and the ones that there were were shaky cam ones. I hope they got rid of the shaky cam in this one.

Well, he only works for himself and he's just a youtuber (albeit the biggest movie review channel), I highlighted doubt he was invited to a premiere.

I'm surprised you didn't like the Winter Soldier, I thought it was fantastic. Great pacing, letting viewers rest up before going back into the action. Too much action can be detrimental and frankly, tiring. It's also miles ahead the first Captain America movie with just a much more involved plot.

I agree about having too much action but the action scenes in TWS didn't reach a satisfying high which made the movie feel slow. And in between the few action sequences, there were huge chunks of uninteresting dialog. Look at The Dark Knight for example - so many fun and memorable scenes where people were just talking. The boat segment was good but poorly edited - they kept cutting the action to unnecessary scenes of the hostages. That was very frustrating. And the Winter Soldier never felt like a threat - he was always getting his ass kicked by Cap. And movies like The Raid showed you how hand to hand combat is done properly - they should learn from that.