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Nintendo mismanaged this franchise. The first installment on the SNES sold 4 million copies, Star Fox 64 then sold 3.3 million copies (and I believe these are from North America + Japan only, it's probably higher than this).

Those are two games that sold higher than any Metroid, Fire Emblem, or Kirby game.

Yet Star Fox at Miyamoto's whims gets thrown around like a red headed step child post 1990s. He forces it into Rare's Dinosaur Planet. Then farms it out to Namco. Then it skips the Wii entirely (big mistake) and on the DS, touch screen controls are forced into it making the game simply not fun to play.

And again with Wii U, there's a control scheme that's again being forced onto gamers.

I will get Star Fox Zero and I probably will enjoy it enough, but this is a text book case of how to drive a multi-million selling franchise into the ground. They should have released a Star Fox Wii circa 2008 when the Wii was selling hot with a proper, "normal" Star Fox game, but nope.