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fatslob-:O said:

What does Sony have to be afraid of exactly when they will have already had a 40M+ install base by the time NX releases ? 

The idea that Nintendo pressured Sony is laughable given crrent circumstances ...

The NX, that's what. PS4 could be at 80m right now, and what the NX is bringing to consoles would end their reign. If NX is outselling PS4 every week from launch onwards, that 40m head start will mean jack all.

Of course it's laughable. I said they didn't pressure Sony to do anything. It doesn't mean Sony is stupid enough to look at a company like Nintendo like they pose no threat when Nintendo literally just slaughtered Sony's handheld division into complete and total extinction this generation with their dominance. Sony, believe it or not, is actually run by intelligent human beings with working brains and adequate deductive reasoning skills.