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Bryank75 said:
potato_hamster said:

Console video game development is not a matter of tweaking sliders. Engines are not designed to support this new specification. It's actually a whole pile of extra work, and literally double the QA cost when there is literally zero expectation for increased sales. None.

Video game developers get nothing out of supporting a higher-spec console except lower profits.

If money was their primary concern they would go mobile. 

Care to name an entertainment company that is publicly traded, where the board needs to answer to share holders, where profit isn't their primary concern? It is literally the objective of these corporations to make as much money as possible with the knowledge base and assets the corporation has. You should also note that every major publisher (at least the ones I can think of) have made mobile games to varying degrees of success. When I was making mobile games, we aimed for 1 of every 3 games we released to make actually profit, mostly because the development cost was much lower, and if you luck out and make something that becomes a hit, you're rolling in it for a while. It's not the easy license to print money that many people make it out to be. It's a lot harder to consistently make huge profits in mobile games than it is in console video games.