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Well, I don't know about outrage, but I'd be pretty pissed if I were an early (or earlier) adopter who spent dough on software and online, only to find that later adopters will get a superior gaming experience as thanks for waiting until they made their purchase, it doesn't inspire huge loyalty or incentive for early adopters. Slim versions and the like can't really be compared (in case someone was going to).
Adding 4K support for blu-ray; good enough, in my opinion. Adding chipset(s) that allow for better performance in games, that's just unfair to existing PS4 owners.
But, there are some issues tied to modern devices, most of which I've brought up in the thread that shall not be mentioned, accelerated hardware revision and development is among these as the market pace is set by more mainstream devices (like phones and tablets).

Still; I suppose it's better than the PS3, when they simply removed features as time went on instead...