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StarOcean said:
SamuelRSmith said:

Indeed, it's also sad that people forget (or, perhaps, never knew) that:

a) there were white slaves, and

b) there were black slave-owners

Yeah. I've been told I should feel bad about what "my" people (white Americans) did to black people before. It's like, bitch, my ancestors weren't even in this country 50 years ago v.v XD before that they were all in Sweden x.x So I claim no responsibility for anything involving the American slave trade x.x

Swedish people probably participated in slave trade though

(Not that you should apologize for that reason, just sayin')

I don't have a source, but I do know for sure that Denmark-Norway (we were in a "union" (read: they controlled our country) with those danish jerks back then! ) participated in the slave trade.

EDIT: source for Swedish slave trade:


Also @OPs question, of course white people can be discriminated against, though I have a hard time imagining there's much legit discrimination against whites going  in the west. I don't consider jokes against either race to be discrimination, so maybe the problem then is that some people are too PC to makes jokes about black people? Norway is a pretty PC country, but our humour is hardly PC, with the exception of a few stuck-up people. Don't let the few stuck-up people ruin your day mate!