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Hynad said:
TheDeleter said:

PS4K will render UC4 at 60 frames because it already runs at 1080p. FFXV is not 1080p and like Azzanation pointed out will only render one or the other not both with twice the power.

You proved his point. 

Fact is twice the power isnt enough to boost both specs of a game and in XV's case needs both.

Its all rumours anyway.


You actually created an alt, so that you would have "support" for your claims...

That's priceless! :D

It takes twice the power to render 30 frames into 60 frames, so how does twice the power fix a poorly framed game that can drop to a staggering 15 frames and also fix the resolution to hit a rare 1080p from a game that averages 900p and less?

 Did you do the maths here? The PS4K is rumoured to have twice the power of a PS4, so how does it fix the framerate and the resolution?

Your comparison to UC4 is a poor one when UC4 is 1080p and 30 frames whereas FF15 is an unstable 30 frames and a dynamic 900p…