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The whole thing seemed like a mess of nonsense. She had almost nothing to do with what people were angry about. But she replied to complaints in a really disrespectful way, so loads of people "went digging" and there was a lot to find and it's not at all surprising they ditched her. Nintendo cares massively about their kid-friendly image. She would've known that if they found about the escort stuff they'd fire her.

Just stupidity at every level though. 1) Try not to just blame problems on random people who work for a company, just because they say things you dislike.
2) Don't get a job in PR if you don't know how to interact with the public in a unantagonistic way.
3) If you're a hooker, or whatever she was, don't get a job for a kids toy company.
4) Everyone chill out and discuss the issues, instead of constantly making it about people.