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windbane said:
Darc Requiem said:
windbane said:
Yeah, but if you are like me and a sucker for FF, you have to go with PS3.

Even if that were the case, I'd wait for 2009 to pick up a PS3 when the game is actually out. Why fork over $600 in 2006 for game that won't release for three years? Especially when the majority of the other JRPGs are released on a competing platform. I'd actually wait for FFXIII's release and pick up a PS3 for half the cost I would have paid in 2006 and the $300 I saved on my PS3 purchase would have paid for Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia, and Infinite Undiscovery.

Oh no doubt if I was just going to play FF13 that waiting to get a PS3 would be the way to go. I got a launch PS3 and just decided not to sell it because of the exclusives I knew I'd end up needing a PS3 for. I sold another...

I'm also a huge fan of MGS4 and I knew it wouldn't be as long to play that game. Oblivion was also fun, because I enjoy all RPG types, so I haven't been totally without RPGs. If I had more time I'd also play Persona 3...and I still need to go back and play Kingdom Hearts 2. Ugh.

My best friend is picking up a PS3 for MGS4 but not until hit store shelves. I personally have no interest in FFXIII or MGS. White Knight Story and Valkyria Chronicles are the only PS3 games on my radar at the moment. Haze was on my radar but it seemingly like its average at best. Hopefully I can get my brother to rent it on Gamefly so I can find out for myself.