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HoloDust said:
Soundwave said:

So basically anyone who is dubbed a "feminist" is open game to be cyberstalked, bullied online, and should have their life put under a microscope by hackers even in cases where really they did nothing wrong?

I don't like Sarkesian, but at the same time I don't believe you have the right to start throwing out death threats and the engage in this type of behavior because you disagree over *video games* with them. 

It's insane and "gamers" who think this is a good look for the community are sadly mistaken. This is not going to end anywhere well or anything to be proud of if these types of things continue. 

These idiots don't represent me as a gamer, fuck them. If they're so interested in "men's rights" why don't they "man up" and take off the cloak of anonominity and show themselves in full disclosure so they can account for their action and have their own personal life turned inside out and see how they enjoy it?

This is not really logically that far off from the justification ISIS sympathizers use "well they insulted the prophet by drawing a cartoon so they deserved to be shot" or "this is all consipracy by the West, but they deserved it anyway". If you disagree with someone fine, have a civil discussion about it and have your voice heard. You don't have the right to start terrorizing a person's personal life and I'm never going to be supportive of that type of behavior, it's disgusting. 

Not sure what part of "trolls will be trolls" (from the previous thread) have you not understood, so you keep bringing up GG because "she said so", while info points to GG not having to do anything with it...but you sure avoid even going near the issues of press blindly siding with her and jumping at Nintendo's throat.

Speaking about the press, funny you should mention civilized discussion, since SJW outlets/forums were specificaly deleting posts and bannig people who were having civilized discussions, both in this instance and the first time - and that old trick with demonizing opponent is really geting old, if anyone is not for duscussion and debate, if anyone is close-minded and obsessed with its own ideology, if anyone is shuting down any conversation in last 2 or so years, that's SJWs and press that supports them.

"Trolls will be trolls" ... really ... this is not "trolling". This is far beyond that, this is cyberstalking, so first off lets call it what it is. Trolling is a web post where you "luluz Wii U iz teh doomed guys". That and this are two very different things. This not behavior gamers should be supportive of at all. 

I don't care which "group" these people are from, I don't support this tactic one bit, GamerGate/4Chan whatever. The people who stirred this shit pot and started harrassing this girl are *assholes* by their behavior. 

Pro-tip for a "man's rights acitivist", you're not a "man" by hiding behind a keyboard and ganging up on a girl to pick on her. You're a bitch (how's that for gender equality).