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I hope for the best. I think Gadot did a good job given what little she participated in during the movie. Her fight scenes were pretty awesome and its nice to see a comic book female warrior, which I haven't really seen besides Sif. Now that warrior will be seen on a grander scale with the upcoming Wonder Woman movie. I hope to see the origins and Wonder Woman defined as a beautiful, kind, and caring woman with an incredible warrior-like mentality and seeing how she can adjust to living in Man's World.

As someone mentioned, the 2009 animated movie really set the bar on how Wonder Woman can be portrayed. This will be Gadot's and Wonder Woman's biggest test yet. Can the character find new life on the mainstream in her first live action film and can Gadot take that next step after having a variety of supporting roles? WW is considered the greatest heroine in comic book history so there is gonna be pretty big expectations despite what BvS may have shown (even though its still successful in the box office).