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BvS should be crossing the $800 million mark this week, as in before the weekend.
It currently sits at $783 million WW and will probably hold onto a $1-2 million a day domestic, and it's been a little more than that internationally. So, I think it'll probably just barely hit $800 million by Friday.

That's impressive for how poorly this movie was received, it really doesn't matter how you spin it. A movie that has basically been universally stomped on and spit on reaching $800 million in 3 weeks? It's impressive to me at least. Like I said before, it'll probably reach $900 million by the end of it's run, but it won't get much further than that. It's already in the top 10 for gross in Superhero movies. I think it sits at number 9 or something right now, or maybe it will when it breaks $800 million, I can't recall specifics.